Debunking Personal Injury Myths
You Can File at Any Time There’s an expiration date on filing a claim and pursuing compensation. Every state has its statute of limitations that dictate how long you have...
Basic Legal Tips We Should All Follow
The following legal tips will help you in your personal and professional life. Beyond legal advice, these are basic rules we should all live by to create a secure environment...
Reasons why you need a lawyer
Hiring an attorney is a big step, and it’s often a scary one. You can’t help but wonder if it's worth the expense. Here's a look at why hiring an attorney...
Learn the steps to a personal injury lawsuit
The process of filing a personal injury lawsuit is often specific to the kind of claim you have and where you happen to reside. Here are some of the more...
A Complete Guide to E-Signatures
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many lawyers to work remotely, prompting the need to adjust how they do business. One such way is offering electronic signatures and notarization. This is...
Understanding the Most Common Personal Injury Claims
Accidents are common, but jumping into litigation takes careful thought. The National Center for Health Statistics reports that about 31 million people are injured across our country each year that require medical...
What You Need to Know About Construction Site Accidents
Construction Site Accidents Some of the most common personal injury accidents that happen each year are those that occur in the workplace. These can vary from minor accidents to more...
Fort Lauderdale parking garage collapses, injures 2
Parking Garage Collapse A parking garage at the Broward County Courthouse that was scheduled to be demolished collapsed without notice on Wednesday, and two people sustained injuries as a result....
Teenager found guilty of burning Ft. Lauderdale classmate
Teenager found guilty of burning Ft. Lauderdale classmate The personal injury lawyers of the Winston Law Firm, P.A. have learned that a Fort Lauderdale jury has convicted a teenager of...
Police preparing for Cinco de Mayo with DUI checkpoints
Police in cities around the country are anticipating an influx of drunk drivers this Saturday due to Cinco de Mayo celebrations. As the date falls on a weekend, more people...
Choosing the Right Personal Injury Lawyer
Making the right choice for Personal Injury Lawyer There is no shortage of attorneys who are more than willing to take your business. However, simply because someone has a law...