A motorcycling accident can turn your life upside-down. If you feel overwhelmed as you deal with your accident’s aftermath, legal help is available. Partner with a Fort Lauderdale motorcycle accident lawyer who can obtain fair compensation for you from anyone responsible for your crash.
Winston Law Firm has a track record of success with Florida clients dating back to 1989. Our Fort Lauderdale personal injury lawyers will fight to ensure you are treated fairly and recover the maximum compensation possible in your motorcycling accident case. Schedule a case consultation with us.
Why You Need Legal Representation After a Motorcycling Accident
A Fort Lauderdale motorcycle accident attorney helps you get a fair deal from anyone liable for your collision. They know the challenges you will face as you pursue compensation for your medical bills and other losses. Your attorney tackles these challenges and positions you to secure the compensation you need to recover financially from your crash.
Your lawyer can help you as you go through the process of requesting compensation from a liable party. If you have legal concerns or questions, your lawyer addresses them.
Winston Law Firm provides The Florida Motorcycle Accident Bible and tactics and tricks for legal success. Our legal team is available to assist you with your motorcycle crash case. Discuss your case with our team.
How Much Time Do You Have to File a Fort Lauderdale Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit?
In Florida, you have two years from the date of your motorcycling crash to seek financial compensation from any liable parties. Meet with a motorcycle accident lawyer in Fort Lauderdale as soon as you can following your collision. They can submit your compensation request promptly.
Your attorney explains what to do after a motorcycle accident. If you have motorcycling insurance, your policy will not necessarily cover your losses. Your lawyer could advise you to file a lawsuit against a negligent driver or any other at-fault parties.
Filing a lawsuit does not guarantee you will recover damages. Your lawyer understands Florida’s insurance requirements for motorists and the legal process required to obtain compensation after a motorcycling accident. They work diligently to prove a party was negligent and should be required to cover all of your collision-related losses.
Who Can You Sue in a Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit?
There are times when it is difficult to determine liability in a motorcycle accident. A motorcycle accident attorney in Fort Lauderdale learns about your crash and identifies any liable parties. Here are some of the parties that you can sue in a motorcycle accident lawsuit.
Negligent Driver
When you ride your motorcycle on the road, you owe drivers a duty of care. If a driver’s negligence or reckless behavior causes your collision, they can be held legally responsible for your severe injuries. Negligent actions of drivers that can lead to accidents with motorcycles include:
- Speeding
- Drunk driving
- Distracted driving
- Aggressive driving
- Violating traffic laws
- Ignoring blind spots
- Any other behavior that puts a motorcyclist at risk
Do not let a negligent motorist off the hook for a motorcycling accident. Have a Fort Lauderdale, FL motorcycle accident lawyer help you pursue compensation from a liable driver. With your attorney’s assistance, you can learn the steps to a personal injury lawsuit and take legal action right away.
Motorcycle Manufacturer
In some cases, a motorcycle manufacturer can be held liable for an accident. For example, you buy a motorcycle, and the vehicle’s brakes are defective. You cannot stop quickly enough to prevent an accident and suffer injuries, and you could sue the vehicle manufacturer for damages.
Government Entity
Government entities can be held accountable in motorcycle accident claims if poor road conditions or inadequate signage contribute to crashes. You could have grounds for a personal injury claim against a liable government entity if your motorcycling collision occurred due to any of the following reasons:
- Potholes
- Improper road maintenance
- Faulty traffic control devices
Determining who is liable for a motorcycle accident in Florida requires an investigation and evidence collection. A Fort Lauderdale, FL motorcycle accident attorney analyzes your crash in depth. Once they find out who is to blame, they can help you get the compensation you deserve.
Compensation in a Fort Lauderdale Motorcycle Accident Case
The costs of treating a traumatic brain injury (TBI) or other serious injuries after a motorcycling accident can be significant. As such, understanding the compensation available in your personal injury lawsuit is crucial. Factors that could impact the damages you recover in your lawsuit include:
- How badly you were injured
- Your percentage of fault
- What happened that led to your accident and injuries
A lawyer considers the facts of your collision carefully. They look at the anatomy of your motorcycle accident. From here, they craft an argument designed to compel the court to provide 100% of the damages you are requesting.
Damages You Can Recover in a Motorcycling Crash Lawsuit
Motorcycle riders can receive economic and non-economic damages in personal injury lawsuits. A motorcycle accident attorney in Fort Lauderdale, FL will account for your quantifiable and subjective losses. Reasons you could be awarded damages include:
Medical Expenses
You wonder who will pay your medical bills after your motorcycle accident. In your lawsuit, you can ask a liable party to cover your current and future medical costs. Your damages request can include your medical bills for physical therapy, surgery, and medications.
Lost Wages
If the accident causes you to miss time at work, you may be able to recover compensation for wages lost during this period. On top of that, your lawyer can request compensation for your loss of earning capacity if your severe injuries prevent you from working in the future.
Pain and Suffering
Putting a monetary value on pain and suffering is nearly impossible. Florida law allows you to pursue compensation for your physical and emotional pain. The court will consider the severity of your injuries, their impact on your life and relationships, and other factors as it decides whether to award pain and suffering damages.
Loss of Enjoyment of Life
You could recover damages if you can no longer enjoy certain parts of your life. For instance, you enjoyed riding your motorcycle but suffered road rash or other severe injuries in your collision. You could request compensation because you cannot enjoy your life in the same way you did before your crash, along with damages for your medical expenses.
Burial and Funeral Expenses
A family member dies in a motorcycle crash caused by a negligent party. A Fort Lauderdale wrongful death lawyer knows how challenging this situation can be for you. They can serve as your legal representative and show the court that any party liable for your family member’s death should compensate you for burial and funeral expenses and other crash-related losses.
Trust your lawyer to help you obtain a fair settlement. They can use accident scene photos and videos, witness statements, and other evidence to prove negligence. In addition, your attorney makes it clear to the court that you are in no way liable for your accident.
How Comparative Negligence Can Impact Motorcycle Accident Claims
Florida has a modified comparative negligence statute that allows for the distribution of fault among multiple parties involved in an accident. Following your motorcycling crash, you could be assigned a percentage of fault for the incident. If you are partially liable, you can receive a portion of the damages you initially sought.
Consider what will happen if the court finds you to be 20% liable for your crash. The defendant will have to pay 80% of your damages. Meanwhile, you are responsible for your remaining losses.
With comparative negligence, you cannot recover compensation if you are primarily responsible for a motorcycling accident. This means you are ineligible to receive damages if you are more than 50% to blame. Your lawyer can explain what modified comparative negligence is and develop an argument that shows the court that you should be awarded full damages.
Tips to Help You with Your Motorcycling Accident Case
Your motorcycle crash warrants your attention. Get legal help within days of your collision, as doing so allows you to access a personal injury lawyer who will protect your legal rights and best interests. Your lawyer will share tips to assist you during your case proceedings, such as:
Receive Medical Attention
Consult with a doctor and undergo medical testing. Your doctor can administer medical care and treat your injuries before they get any worse. They can provide a treatment plan to help you recover from your injuries and medical bills you can use in your case against any parties that caused your crash.
Calculate Your Losses
Figure out how much it will cost to treat your injuries and other harm you suffered in your accident. A personal injury law firm can examine your case and determine how much you could recover in damages. The firm can build a body of evidence that could prompt a liable party to provide you with fair compensation.
Keep Your Online Profiles Private
Make sure your online profiles cannot be accessed publicly. A liable party could look online for photos or videos to use in their case against you. By setting your internet profiles to private, you can prevent this party from obtaining evidence.
Do Not Talk to a Liable Party About Your Motorcycle Injury Claim
Notify your lawyer if a liable party reaches out to you about your accident. You can authorize your attorney to speak about your case for you. This minimizes the risk that you could say something that could cause you to miss out on recovering compensation for your financial losses.
Be Open to a Settlement
Evaluate a settlement offer with your lawyer. If an offer does not include compensation for your physical pain, emotional distress, and other losses, you do not have to accept it. In this situation, you can decline the proposal and continue with your litigation.
Hiring a personal injury attorney who has relevant motorcycling accident case experience is key. Your lawyer prioritizes the needs of motorcycle accident victims and their families. They help motorcycle riders achieve outstanding case results.
Our Fort Lauderdale Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Go the Extra Mile for Our Clients
You are weighing the pros and cons of filing a lawsuit after your motorcycle collision. Choosing not to do anything means you take sole responsibility for your crash-related losses.
Alternatively, Fort Lauderdale motorcycle accident attorneys can put you on the path to recovery and ensure you are well-equipped to receive compensation from any responsible parties.
Winston Law Firm provides unwavering support and comprehensive legal guidance to motorcycle accident victims and their families. Allow us to help you with your personal injury case. Contact us to get started.